". . . the Lord's mercies . . . are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness."
(Lamentations 3:22, 23)

Today I will live in the now! I will live in the now because God's mercy endures forever - one morning at a time. The freshness of the dawn and early hours of the day are a reminder to me of how current and new God is in His merciful dealings with me.

Today I will praise the Name of the Lord from the rising of the sun, to the going down of the same. I will start off my day with a love song for the One who woke me up this morning, and I will sing it to Him in my heart until I lay down to sleep this evening. I am blessed and thankful for all of God's benefits. Today I know that He is smiling on me as I sing of His greatness!

Today I will not be overcome by sorrow, because weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. No matter how dark things have been, this morning I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I will be optimistic in my thinking, and the faith in my heart will produce great expectations in my inner man.

Today I will go where the day takes me, without fear or dread. I declare the end from the beginning by saying that this is the day the Lord has made, so I will regard it as an open door to my future. No matter what it may bring, or what I may be up against, my faith will win the day.

Today, as the Daystar arises in my heart, my vision will increase like the sunlight at dawn. This day will usher in a whole new season of increase for me. I say "good morning" to my new attitude, as I welcome all the possibilities that are on the way.

Today I let yesterday go, and use what I have in my hand right now to maximize the day's potential. A new opportunity for me lies around every corner, and I will not let one go unnoticed by being distracted by water under the bridge.

Today the Bright and Morning Star shines on me – and through me. It's a new day, and everything is different in my world than it was before. I demonstrate that His mercies are new this morning by my determination to live the liberated life today, and today I will live in the now!
Good morning, Lord! Help me to see Your new mercies today. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Thanks for the post and pictures!
...a big amen to the word. His true love is not spent and His compassion never fails.
Love that first picture...so cool.
...every morning like the breaking off of a burden. His mercies over and over made me think of "over-easy".
...whatever burden you may have been carrying can be cracked open off of you to allow for the flow of a lighter burden and an easy yoke upon your day.
His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. I will be determined to live the LIBERATED life today, like a chicken who knows how to fly the coop. (remembering the movie "Chicken Run")
word ver: lybally
...that actually means LIBERALLY
A great ripping, is slowly but surely being mended together. The faith of one, affecting the decision of another. With destiny, in the balance.
Brian Anderson-Payne said...
Mercy presupposes guilt! Let the "guilty" say, "I'm forgiven"!!!
Linda M Curtis said...
Amen ~
LOVE LOVE LOVE the first picture posted...
I open my blackberry and "Good Morning" was the first thing I saw today...
Thank you God!
Thanks Bishop
The last few days of posts are really poignant for me, and the pics,beutiful. Thank you Bishop.
Today from YITN, perfect timing.
This is such an excellent place.
Good night...and good morning. Love ya.
Thank you Bishop for the post. This IS the day that the Lord has made and I will be glad in it..AMEN
Debra M.
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