Hey bloggers...
First, I want to thank CITN for your recent giving and generosity...the offering to Haiti has been sent (if you want to give more through the church, you may still do so...and, by the way, as far as I know none of the many Haitians in the church lost any loved ones in the earthquake, for which we are very grateful!).

I also want to thank many of you for stepping up in the last few weeks and helping us to turn a corner in our financial situation. As you know, to do that we were required by our lenders to get caught up and have all payments in on time for three consecutive months, and we have been able to do that for two of those three. But this month is equally important, so please keep embracing your responsibility to the continued success of our ministry (remember...we didn't need a miracle...we need YOU...YOU are the miracle!)

We're leaving today for the Philippines, and will be gone for 11 days. I'm taking my computer with me, so I assume that I'll be able to communicate with you and to keep up with the blog and Facebook. If for some reason I'm not, just keep us in your prayers, and please be sure to participate in the services (and give!). My dad will be ministering this coming Wednesday night, Pastor Michael Person will be ministering in the 9 AM service next Sunday, and P. Judah and Project 404 will be doing a special service in the 11 AM.
And remember that the just shall live by their faith...so keep believing!
And stay strong...
I love you all...
Matthew Maples said...
I too have a friend from Haiti. Her family is alive. Not too many details yet.
Peace and safety to you all traveling to the Philippines. I will be praying for you all every day and night and KNOW that GOD is already laid the foundation for a wonderful and awesome time there.
Northern Light
The word that God gave me for 2010 was to "Be Organic"...this is not about how I eat, but rather about how I live.
Living transparently, naturally, authentically, simply without pretense or agenda or control or manipulation or judgement (i.e. organically)...returning to the simple things of God as He has ordained from the beginning.
Loving people for who they are...allowing them to "BE" all that they can be...
Not attaching labels to anything - labels of good or bad, appropriate or inappropriate cease to exist - everything just is...ALL things happen for a reason and ALL things work together for good.
The ministry that has come forth through Bishop this year has been just that - organic...authentic...a breath of fresh air...
I look forward to the purged covenant community that is emerging...I look forward to the "realness" that is emerging "In The Now".
Thank you and embrace the possibilities of what a ministry that walks in true authenticity can do to change the world...Imagine what we can do as ONE..
Bishop, today’s service, in the words of Anon 210PM, - Organic / Authentic, Instinctively Natural, I agree completely, I was trying to think of the right words, and reading that, those are the right words.
The ‘poison’ from those boxes we open, turn out to be inoculations. Going through the process was so well displayed and connected to with rawness, reality, apt.
I have been meditating on Peace, Joy, and Righteousness , the experience God provides. What we experience from the Supernatural in the Natural. The means we have to employ that Peace, Joy and Righteousness, (relationships, food, clothing, living space, accomplishment, vocation, profession, money). We have every reason to enjoy these aspects of Creation God has provided. God is infused in everyone and every thing, dream, goal. All of the mix of the Universe is the authentic poem or song of God. Song of Songs?
Our authenticity, our Organic, interrelated, dependent lives with the Universe, God, like DNA helixes is naturally and spiritually interconnected as God’s expression. God is the largest piece(end) and the smallest piece (beginning) of all.
That is Peace, Joy and Righteousness.
Prayers and Blessings To The Team. Safe Journey To & Back. Take plenty of pics. Tell Them We Love Them.
watching PBS Nature about the American Eagle right now - thinking about Isaiah's words to mount up with wings as eagles and the 9 am message today about being up high 'above the weather,' the temporary things. what a great message, thank you Bishop.
All excellent blessings on the trip and all that happens.
Erik...so cool.
You mentioned yesterday joy, peace, and righteousness, and that's what I've been seeing today from the AYITN called Kingdom Come.
Did you read it? #3,#4,#5, right there.
...and it's a confirmation to me, I believe, to seek these three things. Seek first the Kingdom, and that's what it is...joy, peace, and righteousness in the Holy Ghost.
word ver: underful
"under being within me, I am full of joy within me...I am underful!"
This past Sunday was absolutely amazing! You could feel the love and realness flow from you....I can see how the woman with the issue of blood was healed when virtue came from Jesus....that is what it felt like and I am sure that many were healed....
Keep pressing on....CITN is being revealed into the REAL Destiny it is called to....
"We dont need a miracle, YOU are the miracle"....beautiful!
When the people are ONE, nothing they decide to do will be impossible to them!!!!!
April Woodall said...
Bishop the service was AWESOME the way you can make your point OMG ,You listen to the Holy Spirit and it was wonderfuL.Have a blessed time on your trip William and I love you.
God bless
Peace to all persons...good night.
North Pole!? Glad the reindeer are grounded this time of year.
Blessings and protection on the way to Oz City. May the road be well marked...eat good fruit along the way...protection from evil schemes and flying monkeys...sing a song...your vehicle well oiled...until you reach that wonderful jeweled city...find unhindered entrance...and all meet today before the Great One...and the veil be removed from men's eyes to a revelation of Christ...to all that in them is...blessings and power in Ozamiz!
How "Ozamiz" this place!
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