There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens...
...a time to be born and a time to die...
...a time to plant and a time to uproot...
...a time to kill and a time to heal...
...a time to tear down and a time to build...
...a time to weep and a time to laugh...
...a time to mourn and a time to dance...
...a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them...
...a time to embrace and a time to refrain...
...a time to search and a time to give up...
...a time to keep and a time to throw away...
...a time to tear and a time to mend...
...a time to be silent and a time to speak...
...a time to love and a time to hate...
...a time for war and a time for peace...
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, TNIV
Love these pictures. Many of them are favs from the past. The one where the little kid with the tobaggin on that is looking into the wheel barrow fascinates me. He looks like he really wants to know why his Dad is putting horse manure in it.
Church service was really off the chain. A lot of my beliefs were busted on yesterday and I really don't know how I feel about that. I will have to get the CD so I can relive it all again. I was trying to take some notes but I had to just listen because it was coming so fast. It all seem so right to me but I have got to process it all. Now that's a great message when you cause someone to say "what I don't know about that". It challenges the mind and allows us to search for ourselves the deep meaning of the word and not just what we were told for so many years. I love it and I can't wait until the next session.
As in Ecclesiastes there are choices to be made everyday. We chose what season, or time we want to live in. We choose if we want to laugh or weep, reap or sow… Most of us are uncomfortable thinking of ourselves as artist… But each of us is an artist… with every choice, every day, you are creating a unique work of art. Something that only you can do… The reason you were born was to leave your own indelible mark on the world. This is your authenticity… Respect your creative urges… Step out in faith…you will discover your choices are as authentic as you are. Your life is all it was meant to be: A joyous sonnet of thanksgiving.
...glad you re-posted you know, I am a "joy" person who is dealing with multiple losses in recent months, and there are moments when it is necessary to remind myself that grieving is a part of healing and a part of life....thanks....
I've always loved this Scripture, Bish. Here's what it ignites in me:
A time to labor A time for supplies A time for favor ... See More And a time for surprise A time to brown bag And a time for champagne A time to be glad For paper cups, a cabin porch, winter day And rain A time to inhale A time to expire A time to clean the 'fridge (eww), write a note, return a call, go to the bank, make that appointment, get a haircut, check oil, (whew...) And, oh yeah, Rotate tires A time to fast and a time to splurge A time for biscotti or Pilates (or resist the urge) A time to be well A time for mundanity A time for extremes A time for humanity A time for dreams A time to applaud A time to be still All time for God A time to be filled
"Movement is a fact of your life in God: in Him we MOVE. The life that exists in the Spirit experiences a successive changing of place, a constant motion, a daily transit into full conformity to His image."
-Bishop Jim Swilley, Twenty-Three.
May we all learn to move with the Skipper of the Seasons for in Him we live and move and have our being!
Love these pictures. Many of them are favs from the past. The one where the little kid with the tobaggin on that is looking into the wheel barrow fascinates me. He looks like he really wants to know why his Dad is putting horse manure in it.
Thanks for the kids Bishop. They bring joy.
Church service was really off the chain. A lot of my beliefs were busted on yesterday and I really don't know how I feel about that. I will have to get the CD so I can relive it all again. I was trying to take some notes but I had to just listen because it was coming so fast. It all seem so right to me but I have got to process it all. Now that's a great message when you cause someone to say "what I don't know about that". It challenges the mind and allows us to search for ourselves the deep meaning of the word and not just what we were told for so many years. I love it and I can't wait until the next session.
Good Morning Everyone...
As in Ecclesiastes there are choices to be made everyday. We chose what season, or time we want to live in. We choose if we want to laugh or weep, reap or sow… Most of us are uncomfortable thinking of ourselves as artist… But each of us is an artist… with every choice, every day, you are creating a unique work of art. Something that only you can do… The reason you were born was to leave your own indelible mark on the world. This is your authenticity… Respect your creative urges… Step out in faith…you will discover your choices are as authentic as you are. Your life is all it was meant to be: A joyous sonnet of thanksgiving.
Love you all
Loved it then and love it now.
Also,service was inspiring. I feel the wind a blowing where it wills.
Barbara Cady said...
I love this scripture. He is in charge of time.
Amalia Amaki said...
...glad you re-posted you know, I am a "joy" person who is dealing with multiple losses in recent months, and there are moments when it is necessary to remind myself that grieving is a part of healing and a part of life....thanks....
Nonnie Lemmon said...
I've always loved this Scripture, Bish. Here's what it ignites in me:
A time to labor
A time for supplies
A time for favor ... See More
And a time for surprise
A time to brown bag
And a time for champagne
A time to be glad
For paper cups, a cabin porch, winter day
And rain
A time to inhale
A time to expire
A time to clean the 'fridge (eww), write a note, return a call,
go to the bank, make that appointment, get a haircut, check oil, (whew...)
And, oh yeah,
Rotate tires
A time to fast and a time to splurge
A time for biscotti or Pilates
(or resist the urge)
A time to be well
A time for mundanity
A time for extremes
A time for humanity
A time for dreams
A time to applaud
A time to be still
All time for God
A time to be filled
Michael Gordon said...
"Movement is a fact of your life in God: in Him we MOVE. The life that exists in the Spirit experiences a successive changing of place, a constant motion, a daily transit into full conformity to His image."
-Bishop Jim Swilley, Twenty-Three.
May we all learn to move with the Skipper of the Seasons for in Him we live and move and have our being!
Leesa Decker said...
a time to hurt...and a time to heal...
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