Olivia Danielle Hickel, born March 2, 2010 around 10:30 PM...
6 lbs, 14 oz...
Don't you see that children are God's best gift? the fruit of the womb his generous legacy? Like a warrior's fistful of arrows are the children of a vigorous youth. Oh, how blessed are you parents, with your quivers full of children! Your enemies don't stand a chance against you; you'll sweep them right off your doorstep.
(Pslams 127:3-5, The Message)

...too beautiful, incredible and awesome for words...Congratulations on this Happy Day to all...much love awaits!
Congratulations to the whole family...
They are beautiful... Give them hugs from all of us...
Can't wait to hear what big sister thinks...
Love you all
A time to be born...
Got any more pics of the baby... We want to see more :)
Oh Happy Day! Grandluvs are the best! Enjoy!
God Bless,
Miss Olivia Danielle...meeting the World eyes wide open...taking it all in from your very first day. Welcome! You are beautiful and blessed.
Hello Olivia, You are blessed with great Peace and Undisturbed Composure.
Fine specimen!
She is beautiful-
Amy Hamrick said...
awwwwww congrats yall!!!!!! she is beautiful!!!
Nonnie Lemmon said...
BLESS THE LORD, OH MY SOUL...and EVERYTHING within me... bless His holy name! Beautiful! Congratulations! Welcome, Olivia! (I love that name)
Karen Renee said...
Beautiful! : )
Christy Bryant-Tomlinson said...
Amazing! How wonderful!
Sharon Shepherd said...
Welcome Baby Olivia!
Stacy Bartel said...
CONGRATULATIONS on that beautiful little sweet pea!!! I had 2 March Babies!!! Oh, Happy DAY!!!! :)
Lisa Smith Pomeroy said...
HUGE congrats to you all :)
Jimmie Mayo IV said...
Congrats to Christina & Daisson and to you and P. Debye! So cool! Much love to all!!
Cathy Hughey said...
Amazing bundle of joy! Congrats
Leesa Decker said...
Awesome! Congrats! Beautiful!
Lisa Taamel Basnight said...
Congratulations, Bishop!
Erica Wilkes Redmond said...
Congrats Bishop!!!
Tomecta Biggs said...
Wow she's beautiful. Congratulations!
Juattee Rogers said...
Congratulations! Olivia is bless and beautiful. We are rejoicing with you all. Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah
Kisses & hugs from our family to yours.
Stephen Taylor said...
Bishop...congratulations forever! Beautiful!
Linda M Curtis said...
Olivia's birthdate 3/2/10 backwards is 0123.....cool
Gene Daniel said...
Congrats, Bish!!
Dan Tomberlin said...
Congrats! She was born on my wife's birthday. A great day for ladies.
Vannie Harrell said...
Sophia has a sister!!! Yea! Congrats, Bishop and Pastor Debye, Christina and Daisson
Lori Collins said...
She's a beauty!
John Tiedemann said...
Deanna Maxwell said...
Congrats! Glad to know everyone is well...
Terrell Bishop Teezy Davis said...
George Alford said...
Amy Cantwell Carter said..
Jim Muehlstein said...
Pic is priceless....Congrats to all...Enjoy this special time!
Larry Usher said...
Jere Luck said...
I am so glad your son "in law" was home and part of it! Congrats!!! :)
Tonya Mack Robinson said...
Such a blessing congrats !
Torri Hornsby Griffin said...
Congratulations! She is beautiful!
Darlene Runner said...
Welcome Oliva and may God bless you always! Congratulations to all the family!
Lou Smith siad...
Congratulations! She has Christina eyes.
Lori Swilley siad...
Jim Earl....grandkids make this life wonderful.
Scott Blankenship said...
Congrats! Very happy foryou.
Pamela Thompson said...
Congratulations you can see she is a Swilley. She is beautiful. God is Good.
Karl McIntosh Cobos said...
Bullseye!!! Awesome news, and congratulations Bish!
Congratulations to all the family, especially Christina and Daisson.
How fun ! Another unique expression of God. How does S/he do that ? There is no end to what we can do together. We ALL, EACH are an integral part of the expression of ALL that is. And here is a further revelation of that in Olivia.
The photos are beautiful! Olivia looks a lot like her big sister. Congrats to all of you!
What Joy-inspiring pictures! DNA is such a cool thing. Fascinating to see how it will manifest in each member of a family...
...which makes me think of the many ways we all manifest God's DNA...I'm totally awed by Your grand Plan, Father...totally.
Good morning Bish,
Hope all is well your way...I'm looking forward to the early service for a bit, unfortunately have to leave at 9:40...family needs the car.
Believing for a great day for you and the church.
Thanks to all of you for prayers for Chile, and for my wife's sister Tania and much family there. My sister-in-law now has electricity, water and food!..praise God, however, many still do not have these things in some areas.
When you hear of a way you can help, please remember them as you remembered Haiti. I do know that Red Cross now has a way to help them specifically. We're still waiting on Tania to see how we can send her some money, and I will do my best to fill you in on family news there.
God has provided already in many ways, and some good stories are coming, even in the midst of all the trouble and chaos.
Haven't been here in a bit, but love you all...thanks.
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