23. But to give you some context, allow me to tell the whole story. This man, Jesus, was handed over to you by God's deliberate plan and foreknowledge…in other words, from the eternal perspective…in the God-reality…it was absolutely the Divine will for it to happen exactly as it did. But here in the natural, temporal realm, you, with the help of manipulative men who found a loophole in the law, put Him to death by nailing Him to the cross. In this dimension and reality…from the human perspective…it was simply an unjust execution of an innocent man.
24. But, regardless of what it was on this side of these parallel realities, God raised Him from the dead, totally freeing Him from the agony and authority of death. The obvious truth is that, in the grand scheme of things, it was just impossible for death to keep its hold on Him in any way.
25. David had this to say about Him: 'I saw the Lord before me for all time…and because He was and is beside me at my right hand, nothing in the world can shake me.
26. Therefore my heart (my spirit) is in a state of ecstasy…and my tongue (my speech) is overflowing with expressions of joy. And when my physical life comes to an end, my body will rest peacefully in hope, and in confident expectation,
27. because I know that you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead…you will not allow your Holy One to be contaminated with the stench of death.
28. You have revealed to me all the paths of life…you will fill me to overflowing with joy in Your presence.'"
...such sweet words and promises to ease into peaceful sleep on...and to awaken to with anticipation and great optimism in the morning...
Rest easy...
Beloved Universe,
v.22's, "...thoroughly accredited by God...", reminds me of the educational system. Haven't you taught us, Bish, that "educate" means to draw out? I love how God hung His degree on a tree.
v.24's, "parallel realities, and ...impossible for death to keep its hold on Him in any way," remind me of last chapter's v.2. Thrones & crowns, the earth, suns & moons prompts me to wonder about Gen.1:16, when God created two great lights. (The greater to rule the day; the lesser to rule the night.)
v's 25-28 remind me of Songs of Degrees; song of Ascents.
In keeping with P. Scott's word Sunday a.m. - this showed up as a quote on an e-mail I received from a customer.
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Live Simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly... Leave the rest to God."
Mike Gordon said...
Man I forgot you were doing Acts In The Now!!! Great! I just finished Mark In The Now this morning!! Thank u sir!
Dennis Caldwell said...
23. But to give you some context, allow me to tell the whole story. This man, Jesus, was handed over to you by God's deliberate plan and foreknowledge…in other words, from the eternal perspective…in the God-reality…it was absolutely the Divine will for it to happen exactly as it did.
I agree Dennis Caldwell, v.23...perfect!
I like the restatements, master teacher style, making sure we don't quickly pass by the context...and if we still did, then the "absolutely" flat out commands that we notice the unseen reality...and the overriding system that operates in the world.
"you" and "manipulative men"...again, an eye catcher...giving a pearl of insight to the operating system of "wicked men". Consciously wicked or unconsciously used by them, it is easy to fall prey to manipulators...and sometimes unwittingly help wickedness continue in the world. I like the potential this verse has to awaken the sleepy, affirm the choice of abandoning manipulation and maybe even prick the heart of one who still practices manipulative witchcraft.
V.28 there's that little "all" that is so huge again. Beautiful...simply beautiful.
First off had to stream tonight. one thing about tonight. Praying to the Father should be a conversation I learned this back when I was in my early 20's. My mom had gone into the hospital to have her spleen removed after the removal they found she had two forms of leukemia. my father called me that night and told me to call the prayer chain and o pray myself. I was raised only being taught scriptural prayers. I didn't feel I had time to look up the scriptures for her situation so I just sat on the edge of my bed and started talking and said to the Lord if your who you say you are then give me some more time to spend with my mom. After my mom passed away, my father had a talk with me he reminded me of the night he asked me to pray. He said my mom had died on the table that night and just as they were about to pronounce her death she sat up. The Father gave me three more months to spend with her. It is so great that we can just ask and the Father listens and at times will give what we ask for. He is the best friend all of us have.
It is also great to know every time I think I am alone the Father sends people into my life to help me make it in a world where we choose life or death.
God Is So Good
God morning benevolent Universe,
V.24 - how'd I miss it before? "...this side of parallel realities", and v.25. Where was David that he could say, "... for all time."? Sounds ethereal.
Then, when I read on, and see, "He is beside me, at my right hand, nothing in the world can shake me," it suggests location, physicality, tangibility.
V.26's (spirit/state of ecstasy) seems to resume the ethereal. Love how it's written. In my cartoon balloon, Hope, and Confident Expectation are canopied by palm trees. Bubbling fountain way stations appear along v.28's paths of Life. Some have pulled off their sneakers - the cold earth feels so good. And, nothing by any means will harm them.
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