"Then Paul dwelt two whole years in his own rented house, and received all who came to him, preaching the Kingdom of God and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with ALL CONFIDENCE, no one forbidding him." (Acts 28:30, 31)
Today I will live in the now! I will live in the now because I am walking in the confidence that only comes by walking in my calling. Being in the flow of the will of God for my life gives me the
C - ourage to
O - ptimistically be a
N - onconformist,
F - inding my
I - ndividuality and
D - irection in
E - xpressing myself, having the
N - erve to share my
C - onvictions
E - ffectively!
That's confidence!

Today I will find confidence in the knowledge that I am strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might, strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man. I will not have to pray for strength – I will simply be strong – for this is a commandment in scripture (Ephesians 6:10)!

Today I will put my trust in God, and have faith in His ability to deliver me. This feeling of assurance causes me to be secure in myself, with a virtual absence of fear in my heart. In God I am courageous and brave, boldly daring to believe His Word, even when things around me look hopeless in the natural realm.
Today I will be audacious in my faith, deriving confidence from doing the thing that I am called to do . . . finding my message . . . finding my place of fulfillment . . . finding my audience. I will preach with all confidence, no one forbidding me!

Father, help me walk in godly confidence today. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Ryan Norman said...
Awesome! I like how you say that we don't need to pray for strength. We already have it...it is a commandment. Never thought about it that way. There is so much that we already have and we still ask for it. We humans can be so stupid sometimes.
Wow! Energizing! I like, "no one forbidding him," (Acts 28) and "(natural) absurdity of this fact - that when I am weak, I am strong!"
Also, "Today, I will be audacious in my faith..."
Wanda Usher said...
This is why you are my Bishop. I needed this word so much this morning and you sent it to me. I know you posted for all but I really think this was meant just for me. Thank you for being who you are, an Awesome man of God.
Ryan Norman said...
No...this was for me, LOL
Wanda Usher said...
Okay Ryan, I am willing to share. lol
Philip Del Rocco said...
Awesome Bishop!!
John Wanza said...
Thanks Bishop, Always on time..
As always, the pictures are ... !
the courageous lion and the trusting lamb-like child...both within us...
My grace is sufficient...whoooeee...yeah, if I can just hold your hand long enough to remember I'm a lion I'll be fine.
good, good, good, good, good...makes you feel good all over!
Avatar you crack me up. That was great.
Good Word . Needed that today
JaQuetta Garrison said...
What a perfect way to start my birthday...with confidence. You are a God send Bishop! Whenever I need a Word fittly spoken you post just that. I appreciate the hudge sacrifice you make to be a vessel used by God to lead and guide His sheep. My prayer is to be as valuable to you as you are to me thru my committment to the church and continuing to ask myself can I do better. I love you and I just really want you to know you are appreciated and loved by me and my family!
Nonnie Lemmon said...
Love it! Reminds me of Streisand's, "Woman In The Moon" song.
Nonnie Lemmon said...
The Scripture choice is interesting, too. (Acts 28) I've read it before, but didn't catch the connection between this, and Matthew 12:15,16. Here's what I'm wondering... is this like that - parallel realities, of Acts 2:24? Christ being the confluence of all reference points?
* 1st pic (your artwork, Bish?) reminds me of Judges 20:16
* 2nd pic reminds me of Gen. 22:17's blessing. Earth, pregnant with promise in the background
* 3rd pic reminds me of Judges 14:14. Remember when Samson posed the riddle of the honey in the lion carcass? Melita - the island Paul escaped to, translates to, "affording honey". (one could liken Paul's early persecution of the church to eating God's people like bread)
Happy Birthday, JaQuetta...you already are a blessing...you and your whole family...and you already are appreciated...be blessed today, and know that your best is yet to come!
Thanks, NL...no, the first one isn't one of mine, although it looks like it could be...
Nonnie Lemmon said...
You're welcome, Bish. And, it really does.
JaQuetta Garrison said...
Thanks Bishop....
That's a good "stop your whining", "pick yourself up by your boot straps", "get your butt in gear", "tighten up your little lacey drawers", and "be a man (or wo-man" WORD!
Ann Avion Jackson said...
Thank you!
Amalia Amaki said...
love it, love it, love it!
Amen, Donald!
Izumi/Joy...thanks, and glad to provide some of the day's medicine--(smile)
Nonnie Lemmon @9:47...love your connections...
Which reminds me...Wed. night's teaching, Bishop, was dominion personified...the sound in your voice in general but especially when you shared the revelation on Jesus declaring "MY house" then CONFIDENTLY taking charge in His temples...Wow.
I don't recall the exact words, but you expanded our awareness of Jesus' essence, manifesting with a whip and then seemlessly as He gently declared to the people's bodies "MY house!" and drove out diseases. Man, I wouldn't be at all surprised to hear that someone got or is getting a physical healing from the revelation...and the sound.
If no one else did, I touch the hem of the Christ's garment, and claim it.
For all the "anglish" teachers out there I now realize that I used a double quotation mark instead of a close parenthesis sign.
Goodnight bishop, just got through doing some writing...quite tired now but worthwhile.
It will be an excellent morning for us at CITN!
God morning beloved Universe,
Loving the comments.
You're welcome, and thanks Avatar @ 11:30 AM. (if I had a smiley face sticker, it'd go here. Nonnie L. might buzz by in her JOY hovercraft & sneak a ladybug sticker on it.
Donald@ 3:56 PM - I often forget to close
Karl @ 1:54 AM - Yes! Let it be!
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