All of this abundance begins to shine through a mind that is aware of its own infinite nature...there's enough for everyone...see it...believe it...in time it will inevitably show up for you...
Write your own script for your life...yes, God has a plan for you, and you should always submit to that first, but He also has empowered you to create your own world...as I said earlier, the ultimate act of creativity is that the Creator created creators...
When you see things you don't want, don't think about them, write about them, talk about them, push against them, or join groups that focus on the 'don't wants'... remove your attention from 'don't wants', and place them on 'do wants'...for example, if you're constantly praying for a financial miracle, or to get out of debt, in reality you're focusing your energy on lack and debt...that's why it's important to call those things which are not as thought they are...you have to create a different reality and begin to energize that...
Jesus didn't focus on the apparent lack of food to feed the multitudes...instead, He asked the disciples, "What do we have?"...then he took what little the boy with the lunch had, and blessed it, and multiplied it...stop obsessing over what you don't have right now (or what you perceive that you don't have)...instead, be thankful for and bless what you do have...
We all know that His first miracle was turning the water into wine, but are you aware of how much He made?
Six stoneware water pots were there, used by the Jews for ritual washings. Each held twenty to thirty gallons. Jesus ordered the servants, "Fill the pots with water." And they filled them to the brim. (John 2:6, 7 - The Message)
We're talking possibly 180 gallons of wine, at the end of a party where people had already been drinking...if someone provided that much wine today at a party where people had already been drinking, one might say that they were irresponsible...certainly, Jesus wasn't being irresponsible...He was just showing that there's always more than enough...
Ask yourself, are your thoughts worthy of you? Are they fixated on what you don't have? If so - NOW is the time to change them...you can begin right were you are right now...repentance is a very powerful thing...just changing one little thought can make a world of difference...
Nothing matters but this moment, and the things on which you are focusing your attention.
There's always more than enough available to you...
Thank you so much Bishop - what you have put on this blog in the last few days has been a life saver for me personally - perfect timing - I am so blessed - God is so awesome.
Pamela H
Happy Independence Day!
The following was Greg Kennard's daily devotional a few weeks ago and speaks to me especially loud today as what true freedom is all about. As I meditate on this and accept the truth spoken here, I create peace, joy and effortless in my life...
“What you see in another is also in you, so all healing is self-healing.” – Joe Vitale
Every first grader knows that “it takes one to know one.”
Often the experiences we have with other people serve as a mirror, revealing things about ourselves. Pay attention to what you strongly notice about others: character traits, both good as well as the flaws, quirks, things that you greatly admire, that you passionately despise. What are the things about others that stand out to you?
You have a keen eye and awareness of these things because you are personally familiar with them. It’s recognizable, because these same traits, flaws, quirks, etc. live in you.
That’s a painful truth but one that will set you free, because these relationships can serve the person who wants to grow, improve, and become more. As you allow God to surface the areas that need your personal attention, you can then work on yourself; (which is your only jurisdiction anyway…right?)
So roll up your sleeves, get busy forgiving, healing, and transforming you, and you will be amazed at how the people in your life will change in the process.
More than enough...that is breath-taking.
Thank you bishop, needed these words right now, focused a lot on the "don't haves" and got a little depressed this morning...will be laboring to enter the "what I do have" thinking, and go in peace.
Feasted on the words from yesterday's church message by the way...really good. Thanks.
I guess it was just meant for me not to read this until now.
My scooter has been screwing up lately and I have not been comfortable riding it for fear that it would leave me stranded.
I decided to work on it myself rather than pay to have it repaired.
Well, I fixed it alright. Before I started working on it I could have possibly driven it to the shop, but now it looks like I am going to have to haul it to the shop.
I spent several days tearing the engine down and putting it back together only to end up in a worse situation than what I had when I started.
That put me in a tailspin where I could only see what I didn't have and what was wrong or broken.
That is a crappy situation to be in.
Sure, my scooter is screwed up and I don't have all my woodworking tools replaced yet so that I cannot pursue a couple of my passions, but there is still plenty of stuff out there that is right.
Thanks for having something posted that helped me snap back to reality.
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