"Jesus said, ‘If? There are no ‘ifs' among believers. Anything can happen."
(Mark 9:23 – The Message)

We are the creators of our own, personal universe...of course, our Creator is the Originator of all things...that goes without saying...but as has already been stated, the ultimate act of ceativity is that the Creator created creators..."let us make people in our image, and let them have dominion..."...
From today's AYITN:
Today I will be empowered by having the ability to see things correctly, and in the proper perspective. By faith, I have a fixed vision of God always being on my side, so that I never have to see myself as a victim – never have to see other people after the flesh – never have to see any situation as being hopeless! I am satisfied because I see no evil!
Treat yourself the way you want to be treated by others..."do unto others as you would have them do unto you"...love yourself and you will be loved..."love your neighbor AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF"......have a healthy respect for yourself...when you realize your potential to feel good, you will ask no one to
be different in order for you to feel good...you will free yourself from the cumbersome impossibilities of needing to control the world, your friends, your mate, your children....
You are the only one that creates your reality...God gave you ability to do that...

Today I will flow with a vision of limitless possibilities presented to me today, even in the middle of a fiery trial. I am satisfied by my faith to the point that I simply cannot take a negative report seriously. I do not doubt God's ability or His willingness to help me, and in the big picture, everything is working for my good. I am satisfied because I hear no evil!
No one else can think or feel for you...its YOU...ONLY YOU.
When the voice and vision on the inside become more profound and clear than the opinions on the outside, then you have mastered your life...
Abundance...possibilities...it's all in you...
So amazing Bishop!
So true...
Such excellence!
Thank you!
P Nancy
Saturday Morning / 03 JULY 2004 @1030 Hours
(Part 1)
"Today, declares Jehovah Shalom- I am the King of Peace and I shall show myself unto you in more ways than one; for unto those who desire and seek after Me, I present myself without further adieu or delays. Selah... Truly I say unto you, I am the God of MORE THAN ENOUGH and whatsoever that I have decreed, so shall it be unto you. for there is nothing that is higher than My Name , My Presence, and My Word. I am the Lord Almighty, so let there be praises in the houses of my people today. there is no time such as this present time that I shall seize each and every opportunity to SHOW UP and SHOW OUT on your behalf. those who eagerly and diligently seek Me, I present myself to them in new ways because they are my Sons and Daughter of Faith, having maturity and wisdom, and I am their Father. there is not feast or famine, drought nor flood, wilderness or oasis that I am unable to show up in! After all, the earth and the fullness thereof belongs to Me.
Because I am the Lord Almighty all by myself, I require not he approvals of people groups, committees, counsels, or religious orders to do whatsoever I desire in my Sons and Daughters' lives. the time has arrived for every limitation (imposed, implied, or self-induced) to be broken off my people in the here and now! I- Jehovah God has commanded the princes of the air to loose / release my anointed and set them free. For they whom the Son of Man / Son of God have set free are free indeed. Therefore, through the Christ (Yessua the Messiah)there is absolutely no condemnation.
Far too long, declares the Lord of Hosts, my people have yeilded to the temptations of the flesh and opened the floodgates for the enemy to grasp entrances into their lives. the end results have been disastrous , leading to all sorts of deception and confusion. I- Jehovah God am not the author of confusion. Wherever the people bought into the lies of enticement be it of their own desires / making, or from outside forces, this is the place their perceptions became distorted, which led them into deception while leaving them confused and severely misled. This is why I have advised the people on a continuous basis to be not conformed to the ways of this world, but to TRANSFORMED through the renewing of their minds. Now is the time for each and every assignment of darkness and wrong thinking to be stripped off my people of purpose that they may bask in total FREEDOM, while walking into the ordained and predestined assignments that I have set forth for their lives. Selah...
I am the Lord Almighty and I change not. I am the same God yesterday, today, and forever. The people are bound where their perceptions of themselves and Me- the Lord God Almighty are misguided. My WORD is POWER! And when the anointed of God set their minds to be faithful in their relationships with Me- they shall hear my voice as never before, whereas MY WORD TO THEM shall serve as compasses and maps. As they grow in faith and revelation knowledge of not only WHO I AM, but WHO THEY ARE IN, OF, and THROUGH ME as I abide within them-- they shall be able to overcome every circumstance and situation while their hope and expectancy is no longer in themselves, but in MY FAITHFULNESS unto them as they do their parts. When transformations of the mind and heart comes about, the shackles fall off and they are able to walk in sheer freedom and liberty because they are not bound by the law of doctrine, but bask in the grace and mercy that I provide, taking nothing for granted. Amen.
(Part 2)
Regardless of anyone's opinions, my peoples’ identities are not to be defined, outlined, nor altered to suit the agendas, perceptions, or misconceptions of others for the sake of social proprietorship. All have fallen short of the Glory of God, yet though one falls, they are strongly encouraged to RISE BACK UP AGAIN and continue in their personal walk / run of faith with Me- the Lord Almighty. For the races are not won by the swift, nor the battles given to the strong, but unto those who fight the good fight of faith with endurance, perseverance, grace, LOVE, obedience, and humility are more than overcomers.
I am the Lord Almighty. I am not a man that I should lie, nor the Son of Man that I should repent. My word does not, has never, and won't ever return to Me or my people void. Remain steadfast and diligent in your works unto me because Overflowing Harvests are just over the horizon. Walk not in the counsel of the foolish, for the fools in their own folly always self-destruct.
In all your ways, continue to acknowledge Me- YOUR FATHER in Heaven who loves you. I shall keep you in perfect peace as you keep your minds and hearts steadfastly fixed in me, as you are being led into ABUNDANCE OF LIFE, FAVOR, Greater Anointing, Grace, Hope, and Love that keeps on GIVING! Shout Hallelujah for just as you think you are at the very end of your own supply, I am REPLENISHING, RESTORING, and OVERFLOWING YOUR LIVELIHOODS BEYOND RECOGNITION, henceforth serving as far more that one could ask or Imagine. I am the LORD of MORE THAN ENOUGH, so shout unto the Lord new declarations and decrees of faith and sing unto Me NEW SONGS of Gladness, for I am the Lord over the day and the night. Let everything that have breath praise ye' the Lord forever more.
Amen. Amen.
"Abundance...Possibilities...it's all in you...
Another phenomenal pic...I can hear Him say, Take in the vastness of the ocean...take it ALL in...
(including the smile on the back of the guy's shirt...) You can imagine that? Well, I do more than you can imagine...or ask...
Kathryn Kross said...
Yes! Amen!
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